It will teach clearly the way of the layer cut

Hi-layer cut style

hi-layer style


worf cut terminology

Determine the length

hi-layer cut style determine the length

1~3 Determine the length of the styleis divided into two front and backat the position of theear

hi-layer cut style cut into diagonal line

4 Front side cut into diagonal line.
5 Make sure the left and right are the same length.

lower section

hi-layer cut style  lower section

6~8 Split the entire head section of the upper, middle and lower.
Cut on-base with the bottom of the hair to guide.

Middle section

hi-layer cut style  middle section

9~11 to cut in on-base of the angle bythe hairof the lower section to the guide.

hi-layer cut style  middle section2

12~14 Cut panel on the front side will be cut to defeat in the face side than on base position.

Upper section

hi-layer cut style upper section
15,16 From any position on the assumption whether to layer cut to create a guide with a bout 1cm square of hair bundle.

17 Cut according to the guide on the base of the angle.

hi-layer cut style  defeat in the fase side

20,21 Cut-panel cut defeatin the face side in the same way as the middlesection.

22 It does checkcut.
23 The end of thebasiccut.


hi-layer cut style. texturing

24.25 Cut the bristles whole diagonally to the natural texture.
26 The more it reduces the weight in thinningscissors.

hi-layer cut style. finish of image

Finish of image.